Prayer List

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Prayer Request:I need prayers for a job & deliverance for a psychic attack of more than 15 yrs. now & is due to an ex-boyfriend Dale Odom from 23 yrs. ago. He has attempted to kill me & destroy me for letting go. His group, Elaine Williams, Yvonne are influencing this, mostly, James, Martin, Lisa, David, Janeen, Daniel & his friend. Lisa, who helps him, also influences James to rape his mother. They attacking me badly when I drive lately, making it difficult for me to drive anywhere. They sexually attack me, almost causing me an accident when I drive. It's psychic violence. There is no reason for this kind of hatred. They have been psychically bullying me for so long, I don't have much hope that they will ever let go of me to stop all this. It has become their habitation & their parents don't give them any responsibilities. This is what they have been doing since I wrote to the schools to ask for help. They got obsessed with the devil's invisible weapons because no one can see how they torment & destroy a human being. You can't run for help about this or prove this. only someone who is psychically aware would know this, like myself. I don't know the exact address of where James lives, only the street. I would hope the truth comes out to their parents who enable them, about the occult group they have been involved with & the psychic devil's weapons they are obsessed with, for it is destroying me slowly. James is a drug addict that is beating & raping his mother. She needs prayers as well. ​
I feel helpless & hopeless. Please pray for a long time.​​
​Thank you,​​
Debbie Puma