
Program Committee:

This committee is responsible for planning, conducting and evaluating annual church wide recreation for the youth and church body, which includes activities for black history, Easter, Children’s day, Christmas, plays/skits, fundraisers, seminars, schedule events at local parks, bulletin boards, and submit a budget for activities.Back to the Top

Food Services/Lunchroom Committee:

The Food Service committee is responsible for formulating and recommending to the church proper use of the kitchen facilities; preparing annual budget for kitchen supplies, taking periodic inventory and all other related activities as it relates to the kitchen committee. All subsidiaries of this committee will clean up and serve. Members will rotate as governed by the chairperson.Back to the Top

Parking Committee:

Responsible for parking cars to allow easy entrance and exit onto and off the grounds of the church.Back to the Top

Hospitality Committee:

Responsible for greeting guests/visitors. Committee responsible for purchasing greeting cards for various occasions (i.e. Birthday cards to members, welcome cards).Back to the Top

Library/Resources Committee:

This Committee is responsible for encouraging the use of the church library. They also make recommend the purchase of books, equipment and bulletin boards.Back to the Top
Homecoming Captains:

Each captain will be responsible for becoming familiar with each member on his or her team. They will be responsible for calling each other regarding emergencies, inclement weather, announcements and encouraging each other. The mission is to keep in touch with members of the church that are elderly, in rest homes, hospital, military, those who live in another state and members who have been absent for a period of time.Back to the Top

Publicity Committee:

This committee is responsible for promoting church activities/special events through local newspaper, radio and TV.Back to the Top

Transportation Committee:

The committee is responsible for the maintenance of the church van, make recommendations for procedures for usage. Responsible for picking up members who do not have transportation for church service.Back to the Top

Finance/Budget Committee:

This committee is responsible for preparing a budget which shall be presented to the church for acceptance after the pastor/ deacons approval.Back to the Top

Finance Secretary:

The Financial Secretary is responsible for maintaining giving records of each contribution.Back to the Top

Trustee Committee:

The responsibility of this committee is to count and deposit offerings collected after each service.Back to the Top

Flower Committee:

This committee is it shall be responsible for purchasing and placing flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday and for any other occasions. They are also responsible for distribution of sympathy cards during the time of bereavement for members or community associates.Back to the Top

New Member Committee:

This committee will be responsible for contacting new members at least twice a week to offer words of encouragement, transportation to and from services. New members will be taught the basic fundamentals of the Bible to include:

  • Steps of Salvation
  • Accepting Christ
  • Sanctification
  • Gift of the Holy Ghost
  • Salvation, Baptism, Communion, Prayer, etc.Back to the Top

Pastor’s Aid Committee:

This committee is responsible for providing necessary care to the Pastor and his or her family.Back to the Top

Website Committee:

This committee is responsible for dissimulating church information and posting church information on the website.Back to the Top

Media Committee:

This committee is responsible for ensuring that the sound system is functioning properly and is ready for use upon each service.Back to the Top

Christian Education Committee:

This committee is responsible for discussing criteria for recipients to be eligible for the
scholarship.Back to the Top

Home Mission:

The Home Mission Committee is responsible for helping with needs of others in the church family and community due to sickness death in the immediate family or economical or tragic circumstances.Back to the Top

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